Monday, June 1, 2009

Interview Summary

I have selected to answer question 2, "Please describe your training style and how technology has helped you to teach and to learn."

If asked to describe my training style, I would have to say that it is by modeling my own learning. I am a life-long learner, and love learning new technologies and how best to use them so that my students get the most benefit of the school day and beyond. I enjoy working with others who share my vision for and love of learning and children.

As an educator, I believe that it is extremely important that students see me learning how to use new technologies, and that students teach me on a regular basis. The children we teach are also great teachers themselves. We must, as educators, never lose sight of that.

As an educator, I must also be constantly changing, while maintaining a positive learning environment of structure. By structure, I do not mean rigidity ("a my way or the highway" kind of thinking,) but rather that each student understands the purpose for learning the objective.

The exciting thing about using technology to teach is that it enables me to "remove" the walls of the classroom, and show students that the world is their classroom.

To recap, I do believe that technology enables me to be a better educator. I am not the same today as I was yesterday, and I hope to be different tomorrow. I have chosen the most important career. With that choice, I must always continue learning right along with my students, whether they are 12 or 22 or 72. Age doesn't matter in the world of education. We can and should always be learning and teaching each other, and technology allows us to bridge many of the gaps that used to be obstacles in our way.

Thank you for the opportunity to interview with Canyons District. If I am selected to serve the district in the capacity of educational technology specialist, I assure you that I will do my very best each and every day to help teachers and students succeed.

Sallie Warnecke